Performance/ Workshops/Film
Here are some of the performances/workshops/films/installations that i have participated with or have made with multiple different organizations
Tens Only Pavilion and Stage 2014
The Pavilion is something i Came up with to solve a problem in my own home, i had so many instruments, amps and parts taking up so much room in my house that i wanted to solve the problem of space. I thought that if i could build instruments and amplifiers straight into chars, tables and even the very walls of my house that it would be a good and creative way to solve it for myself. so i made the first amp chair, i moved on to house framing as a job and learned how to build structures properly and started building this 10' x 10' x 10' building that was a completely interactive shack, made from discarded parts and recycled wood, because i was a poor art student. I made a guitar, electric instruments in the wall, amps, drums and other percussion, a dancetrument, a huge cymatic drum and paint for the walls.
Thus the Pavilion was born. My friend Nikki Emerson convinced me to apply for Frog Fest 2014 as an artist, so i applied with the Tens Only collective. David martin made an interactive glass based sculpture for the pavilion, kyle Green contructed some of his first vines of thought installations and Pete Cochrane made drums for it. We rounded the installation out with an interactive stage with free to play instruments including mics, drums, guitars, bass and my instruments.
we were all poor so it was shack-like in overall appearance but was an effective installation.
Here is a collection of images of the first Tens Only Pavilion installations;
Pavilion Frog Fest 2015
For the 2015 version we dropped the stage due to transportation room, and updated a few things, i added a few things to the walls and we added better lighting. we also started really branching out of our building into separate installations in the yard of our house, including primarily David Martin's first "cabin in the woods" perspective glass installation with a blue light and neon paint. a sort of mirror image to go with the Pavilions cabin in the woods structure. I'm including his installation as well. we also got to play our first set on the second stage that year, it went alright.
Pavilion Frog Fest 2016
For 2016 we needed to make it vast with more interactive work and branch-off installations, so we brought projectors and spread right out, being more of a tent village than just the single structure. Kyle did a vine of thought light installation "Mushroom", dave did a second version of "cabin in the woods", and hayden did a puppet show. we also had a merchandise booth with Tens Only shirts, pins, posters, albums, demos and work for sale by the individual members. it was our best year to date. i'll include everyone's work that came out that year.
Tens Only Performance CIFF "Landfill Harmonic" 2016
I was approached by The Calgary International Film festival to do a couple of performances with my instruments, before the screening of Landfill Harmonic. A film about poor brazilian children that played music with instruments made from garbage. My work has a lot to do with re-purposing materials and turning them into instruments so it was a good fit. so Dave, kyle and i performed some jam stuff.
Sheldon Chumir instrument workshop
This is a project i did with the city of calgary public art program for the sheldon m. chumir medical centre downtown. it was for high risk people who could make a musical instrument out of recycled material. members of the tens only collective performed with some of the participants and the new instruments, as well as our other instruments
Frog Fest 2017
The Theme for our installation of the Tens Only Pavilion was "Tribal Nomads". We brought new members and friends to not only be a part of the pavilion but also to host a Dinosaur Cult Ritual Led by Bryson Ritchie and Adrian Cornish and Myself.

In Memoriam...
The newest work from Postcommodity. In collaboration with Ociciwan Contemporary Art Collective and composer/cellist Alex Waterman. The realizing of Robert Ashley's 'In Memoriam..." works, performed by Indigenous/First Nations musicians, as well as the composition of a 5th 'In Memoriam..' for un(der)recognized heroines of Alberta, Canada. The work is presented as a book (see photo), a performance (more info below), and a forthcoming 3xLP box set.
I had a huge opportunity to be one of the contributing musicians to this project. I got to record and perform with my Waasii and The Prostrepolapsus. I was in the Banff Centre for a week to record and rehearse and then up to Edmonton for a week to rehearse and perform.
Publications for and about "In Memoriam..."
In Memoriam... Photo documentation

The Lost Dwarves of Erebor
JJJ Productions is a film-making team i was a part of in high school with my cousin Jeff Palmer and my best friend Joe Rock. We wrote, Directed, produced, props, costumes and acted in all of them. This is the longest project we did. I made a story based on the information in the Appendix of The Lord of The Rings. then wrote a terrible script/screenplay (which was only loosely followed by the actors anyway), went to a wood shop and built the props, designed and made the costumes, and went out to Invermere BC over Spring break to film it.
Joe and I needed to do it for a special projects class we were in because both of us didn't want to do the regular classes, and joe had "attendance issues" that were going to prevent him from graduating. The teachers involved thought we weren't doing anything for most of the semester because we never had anything to show them. The screening of this was at my first real art show and that i was in charge of the organization of the other artists and getting equipment. I showed drawings, paintings, props, costumes and ended the night with the screening. though it was clearly a student no-budget hack job, it was still good enough to get me my only %100 grade ever, and set the course for the rest of my life in arts and culture.
This is here for a laugh and because ultimately is something i am proud of. It has also let me rekindle my interest in this art form again. excuse the shotty line in the middle, Wix wouldn't let me put it on here at full length so i had to chop it in half. the real version does not have that.
Disclaimer: I don't have rights to make money off of this, certain characters and music are owned by someone else.

My Channel
I do workshops for Traditional aboriginal Beading and one of a kind Instrument making.